Bharti Vishwavidyalaya

UGC , New Delhi Under Section 2(f)
NOTIFICATION:- ADMISSION OPEN IN BHARTI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, DURG, CHHATTISGARH, INVITES APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING POSTS: Dean, Professor, Associate Professor, Asst. Professor, Visiting Faculty in the following Departments: Commerce, Management, Hotel Management, Hindi, English, Psychology, Political Sciences, Computer Science, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Sciences, Arts & Humanities Health & Allied Sciences, Library Sciences, Journalism and Mass Communication. Candidates may apply through Email ""

Biotechnology Departments

Dr. Sweta N
Head of Department
BioTechnology Department

Biotechnology is a frontline area of science with immense potential for the benefit of the human kind. The Department shall devote wholly to achieve excellence in the promotion of biotechnology in the country.
The department is entrusted to impart knowledge and envisages to equip its learners in applying their minds to develop technologies and processes, which will impact not only science but also society in the long run.

  • The department would strive to provide its learners an atmosphere that would nurture their talents and harness their potential enabling them to be competent individuals
  • The department aims at creating awareness about potential applications in the field of Biotechnology with equal importance on the socio-ethical implications of the subject
  • The department will foster the creativity in young minds to enable them tap their potential as emerging entrepreneurs in the field of Biotechnology.
  • Last but not the least the department will strive to imbibe confidence in the learners so that they effectively contribute in nation building