Bharti Vishwavidyalaya

UGC , New Delhi Under Section 2(f)
NOTIFICATION:- ADMISSION OPEN IN BHARTI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, DURG, CHHATTISGARH, INVITES APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING POSTS: Dean, Professor, Associate Professor, Asst. Professor, Visiting Faculty in the following Departments: Commerce, Management, Hotel Management, Hindi, English, Psychology, Political Sciences, Computer Science, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Sciences, Arts & Humanities Health & Allied Sciences, Library Sciences, Journalism and Mass Communication. Candidates may apply through Email ""

Physics Departments

Ms. Seema Kushwaha

Dean of Science
Head of Department
Physics Department
Welcome to physics department. The Department provides deep physical insight and the ability to realize such insights in a creative way through a wide-ranging education in both experimental and theoretical subjects. The Department has an excellent team of competent faculty involved in cutting-edge research and teaching to develop the careers of the next generation of physicists.