Bharti Vishwavidyalaya

UGC , New Delhi Under Section 2(f)
NOTIFICATION:- ADMISSION OPEN IN BHARTI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, DURG, CHHATTISGARH, INVITES APPLICATION FOR THE FOLLOWING POSTS: Dean, Professor, Associate Professor, Asst. Professor, Visiting Faculty in the following Departments: Commerce, Management, Hotel Management, Hindi, English, Psychology, Political Sciences, Computer Science, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Sciences, Arts & Humanities Health & Allied Sciences, Library Sciences, Journalism and Mass Communication. Candidates may apply through Email ""


Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Legislative Law (B.Com-LLB)
BCom LLB is a professional law programme which is of five years duration. Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Legislative Law (BCom LLB) is an integrated course wherein aspirants are taught both commerce and law subjects. Some Commerce subjects that aspirants study as part of BCom LLB course are Business Statistics, Business Communication, Auditing, Economics, etc. Apart from these candidates are also taught law subjects which include Law of Contract, Consumer Protection Law, Constitutional Law, Law of Crimes, Legal Language, Interpretation of Statutes, Constitutional Law and the likes. BCom LLB course comprises of 10 semesters and candidates need to clear all the papers in eight years which is the maximum duration to complete this law course. As part of an integrated BCom LLB course, aspirants are taught various topics by means of classroom teaching, case studies and moot courts.

Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants meet the eligibility criteria for BCom LLB course if they have completed their 10+2 from a recognised board. Apart from this, most law colleges/ institutes also state that candidates are eligible to apply for a BCom LLB course if they secure a minimum 45% to 50% marks at their 10+2 level. SC/ ST category candidates meet the eligibility criteria if they secure the minimum marks percentage of 40%- 45%. There is no age limit criteria that candidates need to fulfil in order to apply for BCom LLB course admissions.